Our ALL-NEW Evolution Plus HypaSoothe Burns Kits are the leading solution for effective burn first aid treatment. They are specially designed for minor burns and contain premium fast-acting HypaSoothe dressings and gels to slow the burn process and soothe the injury.

Each Evolution Plus Kit is supplied with a wall-mounting bracket to keep your kit accessible and visible while also allowing them to be opened and used as a workbench while still on the wall. The bright red colouring of the kit cases makes them really easy to identify in an emergency.

Evolution Plus HypaSoothe Burns Kit, Small

The small Evolution Plus HypaSoothe Burns Kit is designed for smaller workplaces with a risk of burn injuries. The portable case is easily carried when it's detached from the wall bracket. The kit comes with three 6g HypaSoothe Burn Gel Sachets and two 10cm x 10cm HypaSoothe Burn Dressings – the perfect first aid items to treat smaller surface burns.

Evolution Plus HypaSoothe Burns Kit, Medium

The medium Evolution Plus HypaSoothe Burns Kit is ideal for mid-sized workplaces where burns injuries are a concern. This kit also comes with a wall bracket that allows it to be detached and carried to the scene of an accident, or to be used as a workbench from the wall. Included are an additional three HypaSoothe Burn Gel Sachets and a 20cm x 20cm HypaSoothe Dressing, suitable for soothing burns that cover a larger area.

Evolution Plus HypaSoothe Burns Kit, Large

The large Evolution Plus HypaSoothe Burns Kit was designed with bigger workplaces in mind, and is capable of providing effective first aid for multiple burn injuries all at once. This all-encompassing kit includes a wall-mounting bracket as well as two adjustable internal dividers that make the organisation and retrieval of contents as easy as possible. Included are an additional three HypaSoothe Burn Gel Sachets (a total of nine) and an extra 20cm x 20cm HypaSoothe Dressing, making this kit the most robust and comprehensive of the three options.

The Evolution Plus HypaSoothe Burns Kits are available in small, medium and large, each designed to serve workplaces of different sizes. Compare the contents with our Kit Matrix to find the one that's right for you...

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About the author:

Jo Stokes is a writer, marketer and trained first aider at First Aid Online.
Find out more about Jo.